Compojure Demystified with an example – Part 4

In this part we will start implementing Add,  View and View all functionalities.

The services we are going to build are

View All Addresses – GET – http://localhost:8080/addresses
View single address – GET – http://localhost:8080/addresses/:id
Add Address – POST – http://localhost:8080/addresses

Interactive Development using slime

I mentioned in last part that after every change to our code we need to restart our server for our changes to be reflected. This is a pain and against clojure (lisp) philosophy . It would be great if we could eval our modified buffers in emacs and those changes reflected immediately in our jetty server. Thankfully there is very easy way to do this.

In core.clj we are starting jetty adapter. We can start this jetty server in background using future and reload the namespace that we changed. This way we can do interactive development without restarting our server.

PS: Make sure you have emacs setup with slime. I feel emacs is the best IDE for clojure. Again this is my opinion. There are lot of information on how to do this.

I talked about jetty adapter. It is time for us to look at some what little deeper in Compojure.


Compojure is based on a library  called Ring. In fact most of clojure web frameworks are based on Ring. So to understand Compojure, it is important to understand Ring.

Ring has three components.

1) Handlers:

Handlers are main functions that  process a request. We define handlers using defroutes macro.

2) Middleware:

Middleware are functions that could be chained together to process a request. Middleware functions can take any number of arguments, but the spec stats that first argument should be an handler and function should return an handler. An example for middleware is logging all requests that comes to your webserver.  Ring and compojure comes with some standard middleware. We will see in next part how to create our own middleware.

3) Adapters:

Adapters are functions could adapt our handler to a web server. We are using jetty adapter to tie our handler to jetty server.

Refactor code to make it easy for interactive development

Edit core.clj

(ns address_book.core
  (:use [compojure.core]
  (:require [compojure.route :as route]))

(defroutes example
  (GET "/" [] "<h1>My Address Book!</h1>")
  (route/files "/" {:root "public"})
  (route/not-found "Page not found"))

(future (run-jetty (var address-book) {:port 8080}))

1) Add swank-clojure to our project

swank-clojure comes with lein plugin which will allow us to start a swank server and from emacs you can connect using slime. There are lot of documentation about swank-clojure and slime. Let me know if you need more information. If I see enough interest, I could blog about it or at least point to some good resources.

Edit project.clj

(defproject address_book "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "Address Book"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
                 [org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]
                 [compojure "0.4.1"]
                 [ring/ring-jetty-adapter "0.2.3"]]
  :dev-dependencies [[swank-clojure "1.2.1"]])

and run

lein deps

Now you should be able to start swank server using

lein swank

2) Break core.clj into different namespaces

Current core.clj is doing two things. Setting up routes and starting jetty server. Lets break it into web_server.clj and routes.clj

rm src/address_book/core.clj

create src/address_book/routes.clj

(ns address_book.routes
  (:use [compojure.core])
  (:require [compojure.route :as route]))

(defroutes address-book
  (GET "/" [] "<h1>My Address Book!</h1>")
  (route/files "/" {:root "public"})
  (route/not-found "Page not found"))

create src/address_book/webserver.clj

(ns address_book.webserver
  (:use [compojure.core]
        [address_book.routes :as routes]))

(future (run-jetty (var address-book) {:port 8080}))

3) At last lets create our Address namespace

In this code, I am going to use atoms for persistence. In future I will probably show how we can persist in mysql db using clj-records.

create src/address_book/address.clj

(ns address-book.address
  (:use [address-book.utils number])
  (:refer-clojure :exclude (find create)))

(def STORE (atom {:1 {:id :1 :name "Siva Jagadeesan" :street1 "88 7th" :street2 "#203" :city "Cupertino" :country "USA" :zipcode 98802}}))

(defn create [attrs]
  (let [id (random-number)
        new-attrs (merge {:id id} attrs)]
    (swap! STORE merge {id new-attrs})

(defn find-all []
  (vals @STORE))

(defn find [id]
  ((to-keyword id) @STORE))

(defn update [id attrs]
  (let [updated-attrs (merge (find id) attrs)]
    (swap! STORE assoc id updated-attrs)

(defn delete [id]
  (let [old-attrs (find id)]
    (swap! STORE dissoc id)

Create utils/number.clj

(ns address-book.utils.number
  (:import [java.util Date]))

(defn to-keyword [num]
  (if-not (keyword? num)
    (keyword (str num))

(defn random-number []
  (to-keyword (.getTime (Date.))))

PS: I am not writing tests to keep this blog short. But I would advice everyone to write tests.

4)   Lets update routes for add, view and view all functionalities

<pre>(ns address_book.routes
  (:use [compojure.core])
  (:require [address-book.address :as address]
            [compojure.route :as route]
            [clj-json.core :as json]))

(defn json-response [data & [status]]
  {:status (or status 200)
   :headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"}
   :body (json/generate-string data)})

(defroutes handler
  (GET "/addresses" [] (json-response (address/find-all)))
  (GET "/addresses/:id" [id] (json-response (address/find id)))
  (POST "/addresses" {params :params}  (json-response (address/create params)))

  (route/files "/" {:root "public"})
  (route/not-found "Page not found"))

(def address-book

Compojure comes with GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD and ANY macro to define routes. These macros are self explanatory. Currently we have used GET and POST to define our routes.

Parsing Parameters

Compojure binds request parameters to params.

To get all parameters from request you can destructure map like we did in

POST "/addresses" {params :params}  (json-response (address/create params)))

To get particular parameters from request you can use Compojure sugar syntax like we did in
[sourceode](GET “/addresses/:id” [id] (json-response (address/find id)))[/sourcecode]

5)  Lets build our front end
PS: front end code is a hack. Please don’t follow these codes as a good practice.

Edit public/index.html

<html lang="en">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
	<title>My Address Book</title>
        <link href="/css/address.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <script src="/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="/js/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="/js/jquery.form.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="/js/address_book.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="/js/address_list.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="wrap">
	<div id="header"><h1>My Address Book</h1></div>

	<div id="main">
          <table id="address">
            <tr><td>Name</td><td id="name"/></tr>
            <tr><td>Street1</td><td id="street1"/></tr>
            <tr><td>Street2</td><td id="street2"/></tr>
            <tr><td>City</td><td id="city"/></tr>
            <tr><td>Country</td><td id="country"/></tr>
            <tr><td>ZipCode</td><td id="zipcode"/></tr>
	  <table id="address-list" border="1" width="100%" rules="rows" align="center">
              <td >row 1, cell 1</td>
              <td align="center">row 1, cell 2</td>
	<div id="sidebar">
          <form id="address-form" class="formular" method="post" action="/addresses">
	    <fieldset class="login">
	      <legend>New Address</legend>
		<label for="name">Name</label> <input type="text" id="name" name="name">
		<label for="street1">Street1</label> <input type="text" id="street1" name="street1">
		<label for="street2">Street2</label> <input type="text" id="street2" name="street2">
		<label for="city">City</label> <input type="text" id="city" name="city">
		<label for="country">Country</label> <input type="text" id="country" name="country">
		<label for="zipcode">ZipCode</label> <input type="text" id="zipcode" name="zipcode">

              <input class="submit" type="submit" value="Create"/>
	<div id="footer">
	  <p><a href="">TechBehindTech</a> -- Siva Jagadeesan</p>

Create public/css/address.css

body,html {
#wrap {
    margin:0 auto;
    background: #fffeff;
#header {
    padding:5px 10px;
    background: #054477;
	text-align: right;
	color: #fffeff;
h1 {
#main {
	background-color: #fffeff;
h2 {
    margin:0 0 1em;
	background-color: #fffeff;
#sidebar {
    background-color: #fffeff;
#footer {
    padding:5px 10px;
    background: #fed47f;
#footer p {
* html #footer {

form * {margin:0;padding:0;} /* Standard margin and padding reset, normally done on the body */

legend {
	color:#000; /* IE styles legends with blue text by default */
	font-weight: bold;
	font-size: 20px;
fieldset {
	border:1px solid #dedede; /* Default fieldset borders vary cross browser, so make them the same */
fieldset div {
	overflow:hidden; /* Contain the floating elements */
	padding: 10px;
fieldset div {display:block;} /* Reset element back to block leaving layout in ie */
label {
	float:left; /* Take out of flow so the input starts at the same height */
	width:8em; /* Set a width so the inputs line up */

Create public/js/address_book.js

$(document).ready(function() {

        $.getJSON($(this).attr("href"), function(json) {

        var $this = $(this);
        var url = $this.attr('action');
        var dataToSend = $this.serialize();
        var callback = function(data){
        var options = {
            success:   callback,
            url: url,
            type:     "POST",
            dataType: "json",
            clearForm: true


Create public/js/address_list.js

function action_links(data){
    var link = "<a href="">edit</a> ";
    link += " | <a href="">delete</a>";
    return "edit | delete";

$.fn.showAddressList = function(){
    return this.each(function(){
        var that = this;
        $.getJSON("addresses", function(json) {
            $(that).html(" <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Action</th> </tr>");
            $.each(json,function(i,data) {
                $(that).append("<tr id="address-"+ +" "><td><a class="address-link" href="addresses/" + +"">" + + "</a></td><td align='center'>" + action_links(data) + "</td></tr>");

$.fn.addAddress = function(json){
    var data = json;
    var that = this;
    return this.each(function(){
        var that = this;
        $(that).append("<tr id="address-"+ +" "><td><a class="address-link" href="addresses/" + +"">" + + "</a></td><td align='center'>" + action_links(data) + "</td></tr>");

$.fn.showAddress = function(json){
    var data = json;
    var that = this;
    return this.each(function(){

Download jquery-1.4.2.min.js, jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.min.js and jquery.form.js to public/js folder.

6)  Start the web server

[/sourcecode]lein repl src/address_book/webserver.clj [/sourceode]

Wow that was lot of stuff. We will look more into writing our own middlewares in next part.

Source code is now available at github. Created branches for each part.

Part 5 is posted.

Compojure Demystified with an example – Part 3

In part2 we saw how to setup a skeleton project with Compojure. In this part we will see how to add static files to a Compojure project.

For our application, we will use JQuery as front end and Clojure as a backend. I will concentrate more on Compojure.

1) Create folders for static files.

mkdir public
mkdir public/css
mkdir public/js

It is better to have static files under a seperate directory that way you could use your webserver to serve these files. For now we will use Compojure to serve these files.

2) Create index.html under public folder

&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN&quot;
&lt;html xmlns=&quot;; xml:lang=&quot;en&quot;&gt;
		&lt;meta http-equiv=&quot;content-type&quot; content=&quot;text/html; charset=utf-8&quot; /&gt;
		&lt;title&gt;My Address book&lt;/title&gt;
		&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

  &lt;body id=&quot;main&quot;&gt;
      My Address Book

3) Start your server

lein repl src/address_book/core.clj

4) Access index.html

Go to http://localhost:8080/index.html . You will get “Page not found” instead of “My Address Book”. This is happening because we have not told compojure about our static files folder.

Route helper functions in Compojure

In Compojure we have two route helper functions. We have seen one already in core.clj file.

1) not-found :

This function is used to capture all other routes that are not defined in Compojure. As we still have not defined index.html we got “Page not found”.

2) files :

This function is used to inform Compojure where static files are present.

Lets change our core.clj to handle static files

(ns address_book.core
  (:use [compojure.core]
  (:require [compojure.route :as route]))

(defroutes example
  (GET &quot;/&quot; [] &quot;&lt;h1&gt;My Address Book!&lt;/h1&gt;&quot;)
  (route/files &quot;/&quot; {:root &quot;public&quot;})
  (route/not-found &quot;Page not found&quot;))

(run-jetty example {:port 8080})

Restart your server (there is a way to avoid restarting using futures. I will show that in a later blog) and access http://localhost:8080/index.html . Now you should see “My Address Book”.

In this part we saw how we can handle static files. In next part we will implement Add , View and View All functionalities.

PS: Using Hiccup you can create HTML and css in clojure. I will try to cover this in future blogs.

Source code is now available at github . Created branches for each part.

Checkout PART4

Compojure Demystified with an example – Part 2

In part 1 I introduced the address book application that we are going to build.

In this part we will setup our skeleton project with compojure.

1) Install Leiningen

2) Create a new project using Leiningen

lein new address_book

3) Add Compojure to our project:

a) Edit project.clj

(defproject address_book "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "Address Book"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.1.0"]
                 [org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.1.0"]
                 [compojure "0.4.1"]
                 [ring/ring-jetty-adapter "0.2.3"]])

b) Install dependencies

lein deps

This should install all dependencies of compojure

c) Test whether our setup is working

Edit src/address_book/core.clj

(ns address_book.core
  (:use [compojure.core]
  (:require [compojure.route :as route]))

(defroutes example
  (GET "/" [] "My Address Book!")
  (route/not-found "Page not found"))

(run-jetty example {:port 8080})

Run the server

lein repl src/address_book/core.clj

Goto http://localhost:8080 and you should see “My Address Book!”

In next part we will start implementing our functionalities.

calling recur from catch or finally

Clojure doesn’t have tail recursion, but does support the recur form. Let’s take a quick look at how it’s used. Consider a function that sums up a list of numbers to an accumulator:

(defn add-numbers [acc numbers]
  (if (empty? numbers)
    (add-numbers (+ acc (first numbers)) (rest numbers))))

Lets ignore all the ways this can be done without the silly implementation above. Here it is in action:

user> (add-numbers 10 (range 10))

And here’s the problem with it:

user> (add-numbers 10 (range 10000))
; Evaluation aborted.
No message.
  [Thrown class java.lang.StackOverflowError]

The reason, of course, is that being a self-recursive function that calls itself explicitly, it blows the stack. Clojure has a way to get around this, via the recur form:

(defn add-numbers [acc numbers]
  (if (empty? numbers)
    (recur (+ acc (first numbers)) (rest numbers))))

And here is proof that it works:

user> (add-numbers 10 (range 10000))

Now, let’s look at a case where one might want to recurse from inside a catch or finally block. A use-case is a function like connect-to-service, that must retry the connection if the service is unavailable. An easy way to implement it is to catch the exception thrown when the attempt at connecting fails, then wait a few seconds, and try again by recursing. Here’s a contrived example of a function that recurs from catch:

(defn catch-recurse [n i]
    (if (> n i)
      (/ i 0)
    (catch Exception e
      (recur n (inc i)))))

The problem, of course, is that Clojure complains:

Cannot recur from catch/finally
  [Thrown class java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException]

So what to do? One way is to make the call explicitly, and hope that it won’t blow the stack:

(defn catch-recurse [n i]
    (if (> n i)
      (/ i 0)
    (catch Exception e
      (catch-recurse n (inc i)))))

It could blow the stack, though, depending:

user> (catch-recurse 100 1)
user> (catch-recurse 10000 1)
; Evaluation aborted.
No message.
  [Thrown class java.lang.StackOverflowError]

As pointed out, this may blow the stack, but it may not, depending on your situation. If you know it won’t, then this may be OK. Here’s a way to avoid this situation completely, using trampoline. First, a minor change to catch-recurse:

(defn catch-recurse [n i]
    (if (> n i)
      (/ i 0)
    (catch Exception e
      #(catch-recurse n (inc i)))))

Notice that in the case of an exception, we return a thunk. Now, to use our new function:

user> (trampoline catch-recurse 100 1)
user> (trampoline catch-recurse 10000 1)

And there you have it. The common use-case of trampoline is to handle mutually recursive functions where recur isn’t useful. It checks to see if the return value of the function it’s passed in is another function. If so, it calls it. It repeats the process until a non-function value is returned, which it then itself returns. Very useful!

Compojure Demystified with an example – Part 1

In this part, I am going to talk about what application we are going to implement.

Lets build a simple address book web application using compojure. This will be a RESTFUL application. As we go through this example we will see some interesting aspects of compojure.


  • Add / Edit / Delete Address book
  • View All Addresses
  • View a single Address



  • Name
  • Street1
  • Street2
  • City
  • Country
  • ZipCode

REST interfaces we will implement

Next part 2 we will setup our base project with compojure.